The Ars Amorata Podcast
Ars Amorata is a celebration of the art of seduction, the rebirth of romance, and a lifelong quest for beauty and adventure. Join Zan Perrion and Jordan Luke Collier and a growing number of men around the world who are binding themselves to the mast, raging against mediocrity in all its forms, and defining their lives, themselves, and most importantly their relationships, on their own terms. Subscribe and listen each week to hear: ~ inspiring tales of love, heartbreak, debauchery and seduction across the seven seas, ~ thoughts on the next phase of art and science, ~ intimate and daring interviews with men and women, things you won’t hear anywhere else. Subscribe now and be part of the Ars Amorata podcast and without doubt, you too, will be blessed with a heightened sense of ease, delight, and mischief in your life!
The Ars Amorata Podcast
In Search of the Alabaster Girl - Episode 29
A coffee-fueled round-table discussion about the book, "The Alabaster Girl" by Zan Perrion. Listen in as Zan and his guests explore the themes and concepts of the book in immense and surprising detail. The episodes will be released on a regular basis, so don't forget to subscribe!
In this episode: Part Four of the discussion on the chapter: The Way of Men
Get the book, "The Alabaster Girl" here: https://bit.ly/3E6TxgV
"In Search of the Alabaster Girl"
Producer: Zan Perrion
Director: Ioan Bati
Editor: Gabriel Coroiu
Sound Editing: Nikolaos Spyratos
Original music: "Tango del'Amor" by DaKsha & Nandi
With: Zan Perrion, Jordan Luke Collier, Rich Thompson, Owen Davis
Created by Affinity Studio (http://www.affinitystudio.ro)
Ars Amorata is a celebration of the art of seduction, the rebirth of romance, and a lifelong quest for beauty and adventure.
Zan Perrion is internationally recognized as one of the most original and insightful voices on relationships and seduction in the world today. A regular media commentator, he has been widely featured in the international press. Zan is the founder of the Ars Amorata philosophy--a celebration of the art of seduction, the rebirth of romance, and a lifelong quest for beauty and adventure. He is also a co-founder of the Amorati network of men. Zan divides his time between Canada and Romania and can be found at www.zanperrion.com and www.arsamorata.com
Visit the Ars Amorata WEBSITE: http://www.arsamorata.com
Visit the Zan Perrion WEBSITE: http://www.zanperrion.com
Join the Ars Amorata on FACEBOOK Community: https://bit.ly/3E7bDQ5
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